Sunday, July 2, 2023

Almost Alaska


Thirty-three years ago an offbeat, quirky television series, called Northern Exposure, premiered with a young moose ambling through the opening credits. The series was about the eccentric residents of a fictional small town called Cicely, Alaska. Turns out the show was actually filmed in Roslyn, WA, just a few miles from where we are camping. Mark and I love the series so we planned a day to visit and hoped  to see some of the places that might be familiar after watching five seasons of the show. Roslyn’s weather-worn architecture, from the 1900’s, and the fact that Washington’s oldest continually-operating bar (The Brick) is located there, help to explain why this town was chosen to play the part of a remote Alaskan village. It snows a lot in the winter, too.

We loved having lunch at The Brick, expecting any moment to see bar keep Holling Vincouer or waitress Shelly Tambo asking what we’d like to order. Alas, we had to settle for each other’s company instead. But I swear, in the background noise at the bar, I could hear Chris Stevens, from KBHR (K-Bear) radio’s “Chris in the Morning” show sharing a bit of his philosophical perspective…. “Be open to your dreams, people. Embrace that distant shore. Our mortal journey is over all too soon.”

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