Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Our campsite, at Little Missouri State Park, sits in a meadow overlooking the Badlands. Our first morning here we were greeted with a beautiful sunrise. When our son was small, a family friend went to Paris on holiday and sent Will a postcard of the Eiffel Tower. When I showed him the card he said “it doesn’t look awful!” I’ll never get use to calling this beautiful landscape “The Badlands.” We visited Badlands National Park a few years ago and were in awe of the surreal nature of the park. North Dakota’s Badlands are like South Dakota’s with lots of trees mixed in. Both are stunning and fascinating places to visit. Theodore Roosevelt loved this area and credits his Dakota experiences as the basis for his ground breaking preservation efforts and the shaping of his own character. TRNP is the only national park named after a person. Hiking in the Badlands is unique as trails wind through grassland to expansive views of the Badlands then down into the canyons themselves. It is so cool hiking “in the wild” and seeing Bison  and Elk. What an epic place!!!

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