Sunday, March 1, 2020

Find Your Tribe

A popular phrase these days is “find your tribe” which basically means find a group you share similar interests with. Life on the road simplifies that task a bit because as you travel and camp, you end up in campgrounds in the company of people who enjoy camping and traveling too. One interesting thing we’ve noticed, on this particular trip, are the groups of people who have gone a step further and are choosing to camp together based on the kind of camper they have. In Texas it was a group of Casita owners but here in Arizona, it is an A-Liner group; an A-Liner is a sort of A-Frame style pop-up camper. I know the Airstream community also form clubs and camp in groups and I’m not saying that is a bad thing; I’m just not sure camper preference is a good indicator of who you might have a connection with. On this trip, the people I’ve met, that  I have the most in common with have been camping in, respectively; an Arctic Fox trailer, a retro Field and Stream camper and an R-Pod. So, what’s my point?

Well, I’ve always been fascinated by the story that during the filming of the first “Planet of the Apes”
movie, in 1967, the actors and actresses, on set, stayed in makeup for lunch. A bystander realized one day, that the chimpanzees, orangutans, great apes and humans had all voluntarily segregated themselves at different lunch tables. No one intermingled with the other groups even though they were all human underneath the makeup. Sometimes I think we form “tribes” that on the outside seem to fit who we are but distract us from seeing or meeting individuals in a different group. I love my fellow “Airstream Apes” but I don’t want to miss out on discovering the things the “A-Liner Orangutans “ or “Casita Chimpanzees “ are experiencing too!

Best breakfast of the trip; New River, AZ

Best disc golf course; Cottonwood, AZ

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